Performance and capoeira

ENG/Katjuša uses her knowledge of capoeira in her street and stage creations. She connects her with dance moves, chinese acrobatics, contorsionism, theatre and others. Beside the way of moving and awerness of the space, she uses her music, ritualism, afro-brasil dances, animalism and a way of focusing- constant stearing at the other, public.

SLO/Katjuša svoje znanje capoeire uporablja tudi v svojih odrskih in uličnih kreacijah. Povezuje jo s plesnimi gibi, kitajsko akrobatiko, kontorzionizmom, gledališčem in drugimi. Poleg načina gibanja in zavedanja prostora iz capoeire črpa tudi glasbo, njeno ritualnost, afriško-brazilske  plese, živalskost in način fokusiranosti- večni pogled v drugega, publiko.


Traditional capoeira/Tradicionalna capoeira

Performance and capoeira/Performans in capoeira

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